1. Did the Odd-Even Rule reduce pollution levels?

As per the data by IndiaSpend, there was no significant drop in the level of pollution Delhi is breathing in. In fact, the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) that closely monitored the air quality in Delhi for December last week and the first two weeks of January (when the Odd-Even rule was first implemented) along with the Energy Policy Institute at University of Chicago (EPIC) concluded that there was no significant improvement. In fact, January first week saw a drastic increase in pollution levels. The second week was comparatively better but the rule did not help, as such.


But TERI or The Energy and Resources Institute contradicted the above reports saying that the change is small but can have a significant impact in the long run. It also lauded the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for the initiative as it increased the awareness of the health problems associated with pollution and said that the reduction in traffic made way for higher average speeds and the cut down in fuel costs are all positive signs of the Odd-Even rule at work.